Tuesday, June 5, 2012

ENG 264, Project

Electrical Engineers in the UAE

              The UAE today has a strong presence in the educational field. 10 years ago there were only 3 universities and colleges (UAE University, Sharjah University and Higher Colleges of Technology), However now the number has increased to more than 10 which indicates the huge importance of education in the UAE. Also it opens a lot of majors for the students.

               As an electrical engineer student in HCT (Higher College of Technology) in this essay I will write about the United Arab Emirates’ need of more electrical engineers over the last 5 years.

               Electrical engineering is an engineering major which studies science and applications of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetic fields. This area has become known in the late nineteenth century, after the spread of the telegraph; believed that the first electrical engineer was William Gilbert, who designed the machine to detect objects with static electrical charges.

               Nowadays almost everything in our life is based on electricity. Our transportation, communications, in our houses, schools, works, even in creating our food, we need electricity, so it’s true that we can’t live without it. We also know that we live in the age of speed where technology has developed very fast and that demands a lot of electrical engineers.

               In the past 40 years the UAE has been dependent on oil as the main economic driver. This has influenced UAE nationals to focus on studying majors that enable them to work in the oil industries; however according to Abu Dhabi vision 2030 the UAE will be less dependent on oil and invest in new industries such as renewable energy, nuclear energy and advanced technology, which all demands more electrical engineers.

              There are a lot of reasons why people choose another majors than electrical engineer. One of the reasons of working as an electrical engineer is that it might be dangerous; as working with live electrical circuits would present the opportunity for injury, such as electrical shocks and arc flash and burns. Safety precautions should be taken while working as an electrical engineer for instance, using insulated tools and avoiding shocks.
Another reason is that it takes a lot of work; studying electrical engineering requires daily studies and a good understanding of mathematic manipulations; in addition to that it requires a lot of report writing.
In addition to that, being an electrical engineer is a huge responsibility as it is mainly involved in designing, developing and maintaining electrical systems by aiming for safety, reliability and quality. They are the ones who design and manufacture much of the electrical equipment.
Furthermore, another reason is that extended work hours or schedules are required sometimes during project activities in order to meet a certain deadline. Moreover, they should be on call 24/7; prompt response is vital, and that might cause lots of pressure and might lead you to have less sleep.

              Now, I will talk about my opinion of being an electrical engineer. One of the good reasons is lack of electrical engineers in most of countries specially UAE. So finding a job any where even for the new graduates won’t be a problem. Another reason is that most of the companies that are need electrical engineers are big companies, which have a lot of privilege and also pay good salaries with a lot of benefits; also getting a quick promotion won’t be hard because of the lack of the electrical engineers working in the big companies.

                  Our country must encourage anyone to study electrical engineering because of the lake of them and the good advantages also the benefit they can get. Our country also should make more effort over the next ten years and send them to all the local university to guide the students in their choice so they can be useful for the country in future and fulfill the country is demands.

                  At the end, I hope I mentioned the most important advantages and reasons that made the lack of electrical engineers in our country and it can be solved. I also hope that this essay can be a motivation to a lot of students to choose electrical engineer as a major to graduate and serve our country in the future.


. "Engineering Essay." Academic Papers. N.p., 1 july 2009. Web. 11 Jan 2012. <http://academic-papers.blogspot.com/2009/07/engineering-essay.html>.

Wales, . "History ofelectrical engineering ." wikipedia. N.p., 6 july 2011. Web. 10 Dec 2011. <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_electrical_engineering>.

 WorkCover Assistance Service, . "Electrical equipment." workcover. Publisher of Australian Standards, may 2006. Web. 11 Jan 2012. <http://www.workcover.nsw.gov.au/formspublications/publications/Documents/electrical_equipment_risk_assessment_checklist_4862.pdf>.

Task 6

Global Currency


                     It is true that computerized lifestyle may lead eventually to having a single, global Currency. A good number of people claim that it would be easier to use such currency for travel and trade. Whilst, the other group dissent the idea by putting forward the possibility of being cut into scam by some fake organizations.

                   To initiate, it is a crystal clear fact that for a special number of society members who are wealthy and educated, this kind of currency can be of vital help, because they are involved in trade and travelling to foreign countries. Although it has got its disadvantages, it might happen to everybody to hear from radio or TV that a group of people who know how to use computer system professionally could access to other people’s liquid through some operation on ATM system.

                    However, this new method of using single currency can cause a lot of problems for less literate portion of society and agreement among countries. In the first place, workshops would be needed to be held for less literate people to get enough train in this regard.

                    Hence, experts would have to be recruited to hold the workshops which itself causes a lot of expenses. Still different countries should get along each other in a variety of fields i.e, politics, economics, culture, etc, which seems to be a far reaching aim in order to achieve agreement on using single currency.

                    All in all, I agree with using one single currency for all nations, of course it needs to be viewed through expertise criticism to note its ramified consequences.    

Task 5

Two figures are shown; the line graph shows the number of visitors to Australia by overseas residents annually. The table explains where the visitors come from. This report will analyze the significant information.

             Firstly, the overall trend is that visitors to Australia by overseas are increased from 1975 to 2005. In 1985 the visitors to Australia reached around 15 million. In 1995 they increased to reach almost 25 million visitors. 30 million was the number of visitors to Australia in 2005.

             Turning to the table, it can be noticed from the significant information that Japan ranked first in the number of visitors at 1975 and 2005 with 3.2 million and 12 million respectively. South Korea came second with 2.9 million at 1975 and 9.1 million at 2005. China ranked last with only 0.3 million at 1975 and 0.8 million at 2005.

               Finally, both figures show that Australia had a big place in worlds most visited countries because of the huge number of visitors and increasing of the visitors over the years.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Task 4

Competition and Cooperation


                          From the beginning of mankind till now our development is based on two things which helped in our progress which are cooperation and competition. Both cooperation and competition are very important but which one should be taught to our children to be successful in their lives and serve their country?

                         People when they cooperate make the impossible possible. Who believed that we can fly and reach the moon? All these were done by people’s cooperation. Also in our jobs cooperation is the most important characteristic we should learn. Not forgetting its importance in our family life between parents and children.

                         On the other hand competition is not less important than cooperation in some people’s view. They think that because of competition most of our developments happened, for example when there is competition between scientists and companies. Most of our entertainment is also based on competition, for example soccer.

                         At the end, in my opinion both of them are equally important, but encouraging children to cooperate is better than competition, because those raised on competition may reach to do bad things in order to win; when children are brought up to co-operate they will be kinder and so useful in their future jobs and for their countries. 

Task 3

Healthy life

                       Good health is very important to the person’s life. It affects most of the person’s abilities, so taking care of it and trying to improve it is very important, but the question is what affects it and how you can improve it?

                       In my opinion, choosing your food and its quantity is the most important part in people’s health, because the whole body absorbs what you eat. Second comes exercises which puts right what you mistake in your food, because no one can eat exactly what your body needs and how much you have to eat, so exercises is also important but you won’t take its benefits unless you take care of your food.

                      Our bodies don’t match regarding to the blood type and the place you live and many other factories; however visiting the doctor to know what category you are in is a good idea, because in this case you will know how much food you need every day and what exercises you need to concentrate on.

                      Overall, your body will perform according to what you feed it.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Task 2

Reasons of Studying
Task 2

               Two figures are shown; the first bar chart shows the students' reasons for studying according to their age in the U.K. The second bar chart explains the amount of support students received from employers in the U.K. This report will analyze the significant information.

               Firstly, regarding the first bar chart, the overall trend is that the number of students studying for career decreases and the number of studying for interest increases with the increase of age; for example students under 26 record 80% for career and only 10% for interest. Another example is students over 49 had almost 29% studying for career and 70% for interest. However students between 40 and 49 had a percentage of 40 for both reasons of studying.               

                Turning to the second bar chart, it can be noticed from the significant information that students under the age of 26 had the most support from the employers by almost 64%; students between 30 and 39 had the least support, around 33%. Students over 49 also had good support.

               Finally, the first bar chart shows that young people are studying mostly for career, but the old students for interest. The second bar chart shows that the most support for students in U.K. is for young students.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Task 1

Small Restaurant

               One figure is shown; the table explains the sales of lunch and dinner at a small restaurant in a downtown American business district from October 7 to 13. This report will analyze the significant information.

               In the table the overall trend is that the dinner sales at the small restaurant from October 7 to 13 were always more than the lunch sales. The best dinner sales for the small restaurant were on Friday by $4,350, while for the lunch it was on Wednesday. The table also shows that the small restaurant had lower sales at the weekend for both lunch and dinner by $1,950 and $2900 respectively than on the weekdays.  

               At the end, the table shows that people at the American downtown district go to the restaurant on workdays more than at the weekend.