Sunday, April 22, 2012

Task 4

Competition and Cooperation


                          From the beginning of mankind till now our development is based on two things which helped in our progress which are cooperation and competition. Both cooperation and competition are very important but which one should be taught to our children to be successful in their lives and serve their country?

                         People when they cooperate make the impossible possible. Who believed that we can fly and reach the moon? All these were done by people’s cooperation. Also in our jobs cooperation is the most important characteristic we should learn. Not forgetting its importance in our family life between parents and children.

                         On the other hand competition is not less important than cooperation in some people’s view. They think that because of competition most of our developments happened, for example when there is competition between scientists and companies. Most of our entertainment is also based on competition, for example soccer.

                         At the end, in my opinion both of them are equally important, but encouraging children to cooperate is better than competition, because those raised on competition may reach to do bad things in order to win; when children are brought up to co-operate they will be kinder and so useful in their future jobs and for their countries. 

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