Sunday, April 22, 2012

Task 3

Healthy life

                       Good health is very important to the person’s life. It affects most of the person’s abilities, so taking care of it and trying to improve it is very important, but the question is what affects it and how you can improve it?

                       In my opinion, choosing your food and its quantity is the most important part in people’s health, because the whole body absorbs what you eat. Second comes exercises which puts right what you mistake in your food, because no one can eat exactly what your body needs and how much you have to eat, so exercises is also important but you won’t take its benefits unless you take care of your food.

                      Our bodies don’t match regarding to the blood type and the place you live and many other factories; however visiting the doctor to know what category you are in is a good idea, because in this case you will know how much food you need every day and what exercises you need to concentrate on.

                      Overall, your body will perform according to what you feed it.

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