Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Task 6

Global Currency


                     It is true that computerized lifestyle may lead eventually to having a single, global Currency. A good number of people claim that it would be easier to use such currency for travel and trade. Whilst, the other group dissent the idea by putting forward the possibility of being cut into scam by some fake organizations.

                   To initiate, it is a crystal clear fact that for a special number of society members who are wealthy and educated, this kind of currency can be of vital help, because they are involved in trade and travelling to foreign countries. Although it has got its disadvantages, it might happen to everybody to hear from radio or TV that a group of people who know how to use computer system professionally could access to other people’s liquid through some operation on ATM system.

                    However, this new method of using single currency can cause a lot of problems for less literate portion of society and agreement among countries. In the first place, workshops would be needed to be held for less literate people to get enough train in this regard.

                    Hence, experts would have to be recruited to hold the workshops which itself causes a lot of expenses. Still different countries should get along each other in a variety of fields i.e, politics, economics, culture, etc, which seems to be a far reaching aim in order to achieve agreement on using single currency.

                    All in all, I agree with using one single currency for all nations, of course it needs to be viewed through expertise criticism to note its ramified consequences.    

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