Sunday, March 11, 2012

Task 2

Reasons of Studying
Task 2

               Two figures are shown; the first bar chart shows the students' reasons for studying according to their age in the U.K. The second bar chart explains the amount of support students received from employers in the U.K. This report will analyze the significant information.

               Firstly, regarding the first bar chart, the overall trend is that the number of students studying for career decreases and the number of studying for interest increases with the increase of age; for example students under 26 record 80% for career and only 10% for interest. Another example is students over 49 had almost 29% studying for career and 70% for interest. However students between 40 and 49 had a percentage of 40 for both reasons of studying.               

                Turning to the second bar chart, it can be noticed from the significant information that students under the age of 26 had the most support from the employers by almost 64%; students between 30 and 39 had the least support, around 33%. Students over 49 also had good support.

               Finally, the first bar chart shows that young people are studying mostly for career, but the old students for interest. The second bar chart shows that the most support for students in U.K. is for young students.